NEW June 2024

Registation for the JMCWC 2024 is closed now.

We will welcome more than 100 participants from 24 countries all over the world.

All registered persons will get an email if you can take part.


NEW March 2024

JMCWC 2024 will be start in Sept 2024. Hope to see you all soon!!!


NEW September 2023

Happy to see all registered particpants in Bielefeld on 30th Sept. 2023.

You will find the latest task simulator on our referenced Page,
see Link 
JMCWC 2023 examples and simulator - NEW


NEW April 2023

JMCWC 2023 will be start in Sept/Oct 2023. Hope to see you all soon!!!


NEW October 2022

JMCWC 2022 is successfully done. More details and results will be found on our partner website:

Junior Mental Calculation World Championship 2022: Results – World Mental Calculation


NEW September 2022

Thanks for participation on preperation zoom call for JMCWC 2022.

Here the link to the examples as shown by Daniel Timms: EXAMPLES

56 participants - 13 countries

56 Teilnehmer - 13 Länder

Deutschland, Algerien, Indien, Bulgarien, Serbien, Bosnien, Schweiz, Nigeria, South Africa, Libanon


NEW June 2022

JMCWC 2022 will be start in Sept/Oct 2022. Hope to see you all soon!!!


NEW January 2022

JMCWC again postponed to Sept/Oct 2022 due to worldwide COVID-19 situation. We are really sorry for this. Hope to see you all soon!!!


NEWS march 2021

Updates for next competion and upcoming workshops!


NEWS september 2020

Wow! Great event! Thank you to take part!


NEWS july 2020

More than 100 participants will take part in JMC-OC 2020 ! Great!


NEWS may 2020

The JMCWC 2020 is postponed to summer 2021!!!!


NEWS feb 2020

The next junior mental calculation world championship 2020 takes place in BIELEFELD, Germany!

Please book your rooms (Jugendgästehaus Bielefeld or/oder Arcadia Hotel Bielefeld!) soon!!!


NEWS august 2019

66 participants - 13 countries

66 Teilnehmer - 13 Länder

Deutschland, Algerien, Russland, Indien, Ungarn, Bulgarien, Serbien, Peru, UAE, Schweiz, Marocco, South Africa, Libanon


NEWS march 2019

The next junior mental calculation world championship 2019 takes place in BIELEFELD, Germany!

Please book your rooms soon!!!


NEWS august 2018

75 participants - 14 countries

75 Teilnehmer - 14 Länder

Deutschland, Schweiz, Frankreich, Niederlande, Serbien, Algerien, Marokko, Bulgarien, Kirgistan, Usbekistan, Peru, Libanon, Südafrika, Indien


NEWS february 2018 

new program for 2018 !!!

The registration for the contest 2018 for students is possible until may 30th, 2018 and can be made only by e-mail ./ Die Anmeldung zum Wettbewerb 2013 ist bis zum 30. Mai 2018 möglich und zwar nur per Email an .


NEWS january 2018 

The next junior mental calculation world championship 2018 takes place in BIELEFELD, Germany!


NEWS november 2017

The winners 2017 on our website : )


NEWS april 2017

Many news on our Website!


NEWS summer 2016
CUBE ROOT CHELLANGE !!! 2. october 2016 !!! more informations ? write an email !

NEWS August 2016
India, UAE, Kirgistan, Tuerkey, China, Swizerland, Canada, Lebanon, South Africa, Germany - Wellcome!

NEWS february 2016
Many news on our Website!

NEWS october 2015
The winners in the competion 2015 were/ Die Gewinner im Jahr 2015 waren:


Juniors 1 (up to 11 years):
Mohammad El Mir, Canada/Lebanon
Konshal Krishna LR, VAE
Mihir Shah, India

Juniors 2 (12 to 14 years):
Wenzel Grüß, Germany
Paul Ortlepp, Germany
Maximilian Krahn, Switzerland


Seniors (15 to 19 years):GOLD

Izdar Abulizi, Germany
Ricardo Lätzsch, Germany
Michael Rother, Germany

NEWS 2015 july 18th
The registration ist finished now. Participants from all over the world are exiceted to join the callenge. Kids are coming from Peru, Libanon, Netherlands, Swiss, United Arab Emirates, India and Germany.

NEWS 2015 february 10th
Informations about the next competition online!

NEWS 2014 september 2nd
55 participants from 6 different countries expected!
Official program updated!
All registered participants will recive an email with more informations within next days.

NEWS 2014 july 20th
The participant of the constest are starting for: Germany, India, Peru, Canada. We are looking for meeting you!

NEWS 2014 may 4th
The next junior mental calculation world championship 2014 takes place in BIELEFELD, Germany!

NEWS 2013 september 17th
Games and quizz for the participants and there techers and parents on oct 4th! Numbers and Fun!

NEWS 2013 september 15th
The participant of the constest are starting for: Germany, Netherlands, Czech Rep, India, China, Singapure. We are looking for meeting you!

NEWS 2013 august 28th
The registration for the contest 2013 for students is possible until august 30th, 2014 and can be made only by e-mail ./ Die Anmeldung zum Wettbewerb 2013 ist bis zum 30. August 2013 möglich und zwar nur per Email an .

NEWS 2013 august 22nd
We proudly present the new Mental Calculation World Champion George Lane and bronze medal winner Andy Robertshaw! Both are members of our team and both willl be in Munster in October! / George Lane ist neuer Weltmeister im Kopfrechnen! Andy Robertshaw gewinnt Bronze! Beide gehören zum Team, das im Oktober die Weltmeisterschaft im Kopfrechnen für Junioren veranstaltet. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

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junior mental calculation world championship